I open the new page of "Dreams"

okay, so i'm f'in tired :x too tired to sleep and too tired to stand. so i prefer sit. okey better i stop the b.s. here :)

i just checked out my Tumblr's Dashboard. and it F U L L-ed by the places. well, its not "place" but "paradise asdfghjkl" you can see some of them here;

can you see the carousel/whatever it is? idkw, but i think this photo very EXTREMELY PRETTY because  the "effects"

and, can you see this? omgashdkjdhsdjh i wish some deers live in there..it would be Peurrrrrfects!~

what impressed me the most in this picture is the buildings and the red payphone(?)

the lights, the pine trees, they're just perfectly perfect!

YEAH! bigbeng :)


IDK WHERE IT IS BUT CAN YOU SEE IT? the owner of this pict said; "i took this photo, and i think i dont have to add filters to make this picture more perfect" see? ITS THE ORIGNAL PHOTOS. HAAAAA THE TREES! okey i'm freakin happy :______)

actually, all of those photos tooked in Europe. SO I DREAMING TO GO THERE:(


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